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TheWashingtonPost - Barack Obama: "This past week, China and 15 other nations met in Australia with a goal of getting their deal, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, done before the end of this year.

Fortunately, America has a plan of our own that meets each of these goals. As a Pacific power, the United States has pushed to develop a high-standard Trans- Pacific Partnership, a trade deal that puts American workers first and makes sure we write the rules of the road for trade in the 21st century.

This agreement strengthens America’s economy. The TPP brings together 12 countries representing nearly 40 percent of the global economy to make sure that private firms have a fair shot at competing against state-owned enterprises. It keeps the Internet open and free. It strengthens the intellectual property protections our innovators need to take risks and create. And it levels the playing field by setting the highest enforceable standards and by removing barriers to selling our goods overseas — including the elimination of more than 18,000 taxes that other countries put on products made in America. Simply put, once the TPP is in place, American businesses will export more of what they make. And that means supporting more higher-paying jobs.

This agreement also strengthens America’s national security. When fewer people suffer in poverty, when our trading partners flourish and when we bind our economy closer to others in a strategically important region, America is both stronger and safer.

But none of this will happen if the TPP doesn’t become a reality. That’s because the Asia-Pacific region will continue its economic integration, with or without the United States. We can lead that process, or we can sit on the sidelines and watch prosperity pass us by.

I understand the skepticism people have about trade agreements, particularly in communities where the effects of automation and globalization have hit workers and families the hardest. But building walls to isolate ourselves from the global economy would only isolate us from the incredible opportunities it provides. Instead, America should write the rules. America should call the shots. Other countries should play by the rules that America and our partners set, and not the other way around.

That’s what the TPP gives us the power to do. That’s why my administration is working closely with leaders in Congress to secure bipartisan approval for our trade agreement, mindful that the longer we wait, the harder it will be to pass the TPP. The world has changed. The rules are changing with it. The United States, not countries like China, should write them. Let’s seize this opportunity, pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership and make sure America isn’t holding the bag, but holding the pen.”

Met andere woorden, de VS zal wereldoverheersing blijven nastreven. Met iemand als Hillary Clinton als president betekent dat mogelijk oorlog met Rusland en China. Daar heb ik geen zin in. Obama toont zich hier de wegbereider van Clinton. Amerika is gewoon een totalitaire staat die de hele wereld wil overheersen, indien nodig meet shock and awe. Een reden temeer om TTIP of TPP af te wijzen. De VS erkent de soevereiniteit van andere landen niet, ook niet de soevereiniteit van de Europese landen. De VS gebruikt dreigementen en chantage om TIPP erdoor te drukken. De belangen van de VS zijn niet die van Europa. Nu is het moment om dat duidelijk te maken, zeker als een oorlogshavik als Hillary president van de VS dreigt te worden. De VS is een bedreiging voor de wereldvrede. Iedereen kan dat met eigen ogen constateren, maar er zijn weinigen die dat openlijk durven te zeggen.

Overigens, de VS is de staat die samenwerkt met Al Qaeda in Syrië. Dat is tegen alle internationale en morele regels in. Amerika begaat zoals het al langer doet, oorlogsmisdaden over de hele wereld.

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