Chemische voedselbesmetting

Glyfosaat molecule

MomsAcrossAmerica: "Glyphosate is the active chemical ingredient in Roundup, a registered trademark of Monsanto, the most widely used herbicide in the world. Hundreds of millions of pounds of this chemical are used each year. It is used on parks, school yards and city landscaping. It is sprayed on the soil prior to planting crops that are raised in a no-till non-organicproduction system. It is also used as a desiccant and applied preharvest on a wide number of crops destined for the food chain. Glyphosate based herbicides are sprayed directly GMO plants. GMO plants are genetically engineered to with stand glyphosate herbicide. The animals and the people that eat these crops that have absorbed glyphosate either through the soil or from being repeatedly sprayed with glyphosate are subjected to numerous health concerns.

Glyphosate is designed to kill all plants that it touches except those that are genetically designed to withstand it. It does this by chelating or "tying up " vital nutrients in the plant. It ties up; calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, copper,nickel, cobalt, boron, molybdenum, selenium and potassium and makes them unavailable. Glyphosate also kills good microorganisms in the soil (that would normally protect the plant from disease) and causes a rapid growth of bad organisms that cause disease that kills the weeds. The weed dies because it essentially has a weakened defense system. As one scientist said "It basically gives the plant AIDS, weakens it's immune system".

We are now learning that glyphosate can do the same thing to us. By eating food that contains glyphosate residue we have glyphosate in our bodies. Glyphosate attacks the beneficial microorganisms in our digestive tract and triggers a host of varying health issues for us and our children. "

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