More from the US of A

Tent City, Lakewood, N.J.

TentCityLakewood: "2005 started out a few people homeless trying to find shelter. Now known as Tent City a makeshift village in the woods near Lakewood, New Jersey has approximately 70 people seeking shelter. Now six years later it's a battle to be able to call this place home for some. With eviction notices from the township on its doorstep. Tent city is in need of community support."

WOBM: "The homeless issue continues to grow each year in New Jersey with thousands of people out on the streets. A major effort is underway to put a stop to that once and for all. The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency Board recently held a special meeting to propose new rules that would provide more incentives to developers to include housing units for homeless families in their developments."

TheProgressive - October 2012: "John Paulson, the hedge fund manager who made his fortune betting that the subprime mortgage market would collapse, is worth $12.5 billion. He has donated $1 million to Super PACs. He expressed his anger with the Occupy movement after protesters picketed his townhouse, saying that folks like him would be better appreciated in Singapore."

RT: "Obama wins right to indefinitely detain Americans under NDAA

A lone appeals judge bowed down to the Obama administration late Monday and reauthorized the White House’s ability to indefinitely detain American citizens without charge or due process.

Last week, a federal judge ruled that an temporary injunction on section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 must be made permanent, essentially barring the White House from ever enforcing a clause in the NDAA that can let them put any US citizen behind bars indefinitely over mere allegations of terrorist associations. On Monday, the US Justice Department asked for an emergency stay on that order, and hours later US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Judge Raymond Lohier agreed to intervene and place a hold on the injunction.

The stay will remain in effect until at least September 28, when a three-judge appeals court panel is expected to begin addressing the issue."

The Betrayal of the American Dream

TheAtlanticWire: "The Taliban attack on an air base in southern Afghanistan on Friday drew coverage for the way the insurgents cloaked themselves in U.S. army uniforms to gain a tactical advantage, but few have taken note of the historical proportions of the damage inflicted. John Gresham, at the Defense Media Network, has published a detailed account of the attack on Camp Bastion, in which two Marines were killed, six U.S. Marine Corps jet fighters were destroyed, and two more  "significantly" damaged.

Eight irreplaceable aircraft (the AV-8B has been out of production since 1999) have been destroyed or put out of action – approximately 7 percent of the total flying USMC Harrier fleet. Worse yet, the aircraft involved were the AV-B+ variant equipped with the APG-65 radar and AAQ-28 Litening II targeting pods – the most capable in the force. Given the current funding situation, it’s likely that the two damaged AV-8Bs will become spare parts “hangar queens” and never fly again. A Harrier squadron commander is dead, along with another Marine. Another nine personnel have been wounded, and the nearby Marines at Camp Freedom are now without effective fixed-wing air support. The USMC’s response to this disaster will be a telling report card on its leadership and organizational agility."

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