Moslim suffragettes

muslim women

Scotsman: "Muslim women have launched an audacious campaign to win the vote at Scotland's biggest mosque.
A group of students, many aged under 20, say they are being effectively barred from taking part in elections because applications from women to become voting members are being turned down.
Dubbed "Muslim suffragettes", the group believes Glasgow Central Mosque, Scotland's biggest place of worship, is in breach of its own constitution, charity rules and discrimination laws.
The Campaign for Women's Votes in Our Mosques claims there is nothing in the Koran saying women cannot play a full role in places of worship. Some mosques in England and the US allow women to become voting members and stand for election to their ruling committees."

Twee jaar geleden bedongen moslim vrouwen in Saoedi Arabië het recht om een auto te mogen besturen. Er staat ook helemaal niet in de koran dat vrouwen hoofddoekjes moeten dragen, en zeker niet boerkas. De moslim suffragettes komen eraan. En dat is een heel gunstige ontwikkeling.

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