
prettige feestdagen1

Jawel, het woord 'christmess' bestaat ook, dat zijn de rommelige en rare dagen na kerstavond en de verwarring over wat je aan wie kan en mag wensen want niet iedereen is christelijk. Het zijn ook rare dagen. De criminaliteit neemt toe, inbraken overal. Toch een beetje kerstmisselijk. En het schijnt ook heel gezellig te zijn als regeringsleiders hun moordjongens in verwegistan een geweer onder de riem gaan steken. We leven in een 'interessante' wereld.

ThinkProgress: "Arnold Abbott, a 90-year-old veteran who has been repeatedly arrested for handing out food to the homeless in Ft. Lauderdale, will be able to give them dinner on Christmas Eve.

In October, the city of Ft. Lauderdale passed a new ordinance cracking down on those who give out food to the homeless in public. Abbott, a veteran of World War II who has handed out meals to the homeless every Wednesday for years, was arrested almost immediately after the law went into effect. He has since been cited two more times for continuing to hand out food to the needy."

"What Is Christmas?" is track #9 on the album The Lost Christmas Eve. It was written by O'neill, Paul F./oliva, John N.

What is Christmas? Tinseled fairy tales

Day old stockings lined up in a row
What is Christmas? Could someone tell me that?
What is Christmas? Surely, I don't know

And everywhere these lights
Who needs to color night?
Could this whole thing be planned?
I do not understand

This Christmas trees with colored lights
Underneath they still are only trees
Do you think that one day perhaps they might
Find that Christmas is kind of a disease?

Every year it's waiting for me, waiting for me
Every year it constantly defies
Placing strangers there before me, there before me
Spreading hope and cheer mixed in with happiness
Fraternal bliss and other Christmas lies

And there's one more thing that I have discovered
That I would now like you to know
The reason for Christmas I now realize
Is an excuse to tolerate snow, snow

I don't even like the sound of it
Anyway, where was I?
Oh, yes

What is Christmas? Candles everywhere
A fire hazard any other day
Children light them, no one seems to care
All for Christmas

Every year it returns here
And every year it's waiting for me
Why can't Christmas disappear
And just pretend it never saw me?

Every year I get my hopes up
That it will somehow just leave
But every year I wake to find
That once again it now is Christmas eve

Voor allen die worstelen met kerstmis, sterkte en take care.

© 2009