De oorlogsindustrie

Hillary Clinton
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De wereldeconomie stort in, maar er is altijd en overal geld te vinden voor oorlogen. Oorlog is een industrie geworden. Als langs democratische weg een oorlog niet te rechtvaardigen is dan schakelt het westen, vooral de VS en Engeland, huurlingen in. Zo is Engeland momenteel oorlog aan het voeren tegen Syrië, niet officieel maar met betaalde huurlegers.

Telegraph: "Cameron considers arming Syrian rebels"

Feit is dat hij daar allang mee bezig is, volkomen illegaal. Cameron is een oorlogsmisdadiger. Maar dat baart geen opzien tegenwoordig. Elke Amerikaanse president valt onder die categorie. En Europa wil toch meespelen op het wereldtheater, nietwaar?

DailyMail: "Two SAS soldiers on a secret mission were captured by Syrian authorities after straying across the border from Iraq, it emerged...

They were released only after a "high-level intervention" by the British Government - believed to involve a visit by Foreign Office Minister Mike O'Brien to the Syrian capital Damascus two weeks ago.

Last night, the Ministry of Defence refused to comment publicly on the embarrassing incident, but senior officials confirmed privately that members of the elite 22 SAS Regiment were involved."

Intussen worden de rebellen voorgesteld als 'vrijheidsstrijders'.

ForeignPolicy: "On Nov. 11, anti-Assad groups met in Doha, Qatar, where they hashed out an agreement, under U.S. and Qatari auspices, to form the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces. The new rebel coalition was hailed as the first truly representative opposition body -- and its new leader, Sheikh Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib, was widely praised as the perfect figure to represent the opposition to the world.

Syria's opposition received an immediate diplomatic boost after the formation of the new coalition. France recognized it as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people, and pledged to reexamine the possibility of shipping arms to the rebels. The Arab League also recognized the body, with Secretary General Nabil al-Araby hailing it as a "glimmer of hope." By dispelling Western fears of growing jihadist influence within the Free Syrian Army, the rebels hope, the new coalition can open the door to increased financial and military assistance from the international community.

The election of the Cairo-based Khatib, a former imam of Damascus's historic Umayyad Mosque who was imprisoned under Assad, is a crucial part of this strategy. Western media outlets such as the BBC were quick to declare him "a respected figure within Syria" who holds "moderate" political views, citing his trips to Britain and the United States, as well as his teaching experience at the Dutch Institute in Damascus, as evidence. However, public statements posted on the clergyman's website,, paint a different picture.

Khatib's website features numerous instances of anti-Semitic rhetoric. In one of his own articles, he writes that one of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's positive legacies was "terrifying the Jews." He has also published others' anti-Semitic observations on his site: In one article, written by Abdul Salam Basiouni, Jews are described as "gold worshipers." Finally, in an obituary of a Gaza sheikh copied from IslamSyria, Jews are dubbed "the enemies of God." "

Op deze manier komen de oorlogen steeds dichter bij Europa, door de kortzichtigheid en stupiditeit van leiders als Cameron en Hollande, leiders van landen die blijkbaar (net als in Libië) het eerst bij de buit willen zijn. Geheime en illegale oorlogvoering behoort tot hun strategie. 

Economist: "Over the past decade the business of renting out private soldiers has grown from a specialised niche into a global trade, worth as much as $100 billion, according to the United Nations. When the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was torched in September, locals hired by Blue Mountain, a British firm, were on guard. When a few weeks later African Union forces kicked the Shabab, a terrorist group, out of Kismayo, Somalia, South African private soldiers gave them training and support. In Iraq and Afghanistan more than 20,000 private guards are employed by the American government.

The industry’s growth has been paid for by Western governments, keen to limit the political cost of military boots on the ground. Supply has also come mostly from the West: 70% of firms are British or American. As the big conflicts of the past decade come to an end, however, private armies are beginning to chase new business, according to Sean McFate of America’s National Defence University. Industrial firms, which are increasingly setting up shop in unstable places, are expected to be a growing chunk of the customer base."

Stuff: "Former CIA Director David Petraeus told Congress  that he and the spy agency had sought to make clear from the outset that September's deadly attack on the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, involved an al Qaeda affiliate, lawmakers said."


Het westen steunt radicale terroristen. Dat was het geval met de Taliban, het regime van Saddam Hoessein, de Libische rebellen en nu de Syrische 'oppositie' (vooral invoer). Dat onze democratieën niet meer in staat zijn om dit illegale en gevaarlijke beleid tegen te houden is een teken aan de wand. Langzaam maar zeker verandert ook Europa in een aanvalsmacht met een totaal gebrek aan morele of maatschappelijke rechtvaardiging. In een paar jaar tijd vallen er miljoenen doden door oorlogen, gevoegd bij de doden die vallen door de georganiseerde honger in de wereld.

MondiaalNieuws: "‘De EU zaait dood en vernieling'

De wereld telt 854 miljoen ondervoede mensen. Dat komt niet door een gebrek aan voedsel, maar door een foute organisatie van de economie, zegt Jean Ziegler, auteur en VN-rapporteur voor het recht op voedsel."

Net als in het Romeinse rijk vieren corruptie en schandalen hoogtij. Het neoliberaal universum heeft ook de 'defensie' (eufemisme voor 'hedendaags imperialisme') geprivatiseerd. Economisch verval en moreel verval gaan hand in hand. Ik zie geen democratische toekomst voor Europa als dit zo doorgaat.

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