De Wall Street 'elite'


De ongereguleerde derivatenhandel is de oorzaak van de crisis waar we nu in zitten. Die derivatenhandel is in handen van een kleine groep speculerende banken en hedge funds. De leiders van deze casinobanken kunnen complete nationale economieën platleggen. Zij speculeren op dalende koersen en zijn de oorzaak van de golf van bezuinigingen die in meerdere landen worden uitgewerkt. Het is deze maffia die aangepakt moet worden om nog meer crises in de toekomst te vermijden en om ervoor te zorgen dat onze wereld leefbaar blijft.

NYTimes: "On the third Wednesday of every month, the nine members of an elite Wall Street society gather in Midtown Manhattan.

The men share a common goal: to protect the interests of big banks in the vast market for derivatives, one of the most profitable — and controversial — fields in finance. They also share a common secret: The details of their meetings, even their identities, have been strictly confidential.

Drawn from giants like JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the bankers form a powerful committee that helps oversee trading in derivatives, instruments which, like insurance, are used to hedge risk.

In theory, this group exists to safeguard the integrity of the multitrillion-dollar market. In practice, it also defends the dominance of the big banks.

The result of the maneuvering of the past couple years is that big banks dominate the risk committees of not one, but two of the most prominent new clearinghouses in the United States."

© 2009