Geweldloze "terroristen"

Het is toch vreemd dat in deze wereld regeringsleiders openlijk oorlogsmisdaden kunnen beramen en uitvoeren zonder daarvoor gestraft te worden, terwijl geweldloze activisten volgens heersende wetten wel als 'terroristen' behandeld kunnen worden.

GreenIsTheNewRed: "A new lawsuit challenges the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act as unconstitutional because it has given activists reason to fear that they could be prosecuted as “terrorists” for non-violent civil disobedience, protests, and First Amendment activity.

The landmark case has implications for all social justice movement, beyond the animal rights activists targeted. It sets a dangerous precedent for labeling anyone who effectively threatens corporate profits a “terrorist.” As the Occupy Wall Street Movement grows rapidly, and has begun reclaiming foreclosed homes from banks and shutting down ports, this lawsuit couldn’t come at a more pressing time. And with the impending passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, the dangers of this parallel legal system for “terrorists” has become strikingly clear."

© 2009